Sunday, February 15, 2009

How to Save Money – 5 Simple Ways to Lower Your Monthly Budget

Money is tight for many people these days and even if you aren’t feeling the crunch everyone can stand to save money on their monthly budget. When you used to hear “A Penny Saved Is a Penny Earned” is true. You can take those saved “pennies” and put them in an emergency fund for unexpected expenses in the future.So, here are five things you can do today to save money on your monthly budget.

1. Cut Extra Features On Landline or Eliminate Landline – Many times the phone company gets you to bundle with extra feature so you can save say $5.00 a month, but if you don’t use those features and they cost more than $5.00 you are wasting money. If you have a cell phone consider eliminating the long distance feature on your landline. You may want to eliminate your landline altogether if you have enough minutes on your cell phone and don’t use your landline that much anyways.

2. Cut Extra’s From Your Cell Phone – When money is tight consider cutting extra’s from your cell phone service such as text messaging packages. You can even call your cell phone provider and have them put a text block on your phone so you won’t receive any text messages from anyone and therefore not have to pay the $.20 a message to receive a text message. You may also want to check into going to a lower minute package if you do not regularly use all the minutes provided on your current plan.

3. Cut Extra Channels on Cable or Satellite TV – Stop paying for movie channels that you probably don’t watch much anyways. Check your local library to see if they offer free movie to check out just like you check out books. You may also look into a lower priced channel package. It’s unbelievable but even with all the channels available there are still times there is nothing good on TV. This is a time you can spend with your children playing games instead of mindlessly watch TV. If money is extremely tight for your family you may want to consider cancelling your cable or Satellite TV for now. If you still have internet service you can watch many TV shows and movies free online.

4. Lower Your Broadband Internet Speed – If you have broadband internet you may want to check in to lowering the broadband speed. This can save you sometimes $10 a month and you won’t even be able to tell the difference in speeds.

5. De-Insuring an Extra Vehicle – If you have multiple vehicles that you drive you may want to consider de-insuring one for six months to a year and only using one or two of your vehicles. Just make sure you check with your insurance agent first and then fill out a de-insured certificate with your state transportation department if necessary. This certificate can often be completed online.

As you can see these are just a few way you can save money on what you may have thought to be fixed expenses in your monthly budget. Even if you save just $10 each in a couple of these areas that could be $30 to $40 you could be saving in an emergency fund each month.

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