Sunday, February 15, 2009

Save Money With – 5 Meal Planning Tips that You Can Start Using This Week to Save Money

Our grocery and food portion of our monthly budget is something we have great control of. If we spend just a little bit of time planning our meals and menus we can save a lot of money each week.Here are 5 meal planning tips that you can use this week to save money on your food bill.

1. Shop Once a Week – Sit down and decide what you are going to have for dinner each night for the next seven days. Remember to look at your local grocery store weekly ads and try to plan your meals around the meat and produce items that are on sale. By shopping once a week you will save money on gas because of eliminating extra trips to the store and also not having a chance to pick up un-needed items on each grocery trip.

2. Go Vegetarian – Once a week have a meal without meat. Beans are very cheap while still providing a great source of protein for your family.

3. Cook in the Crock Pot – Cooking in your crock pot is a great way to save both time and money. You can buy and then cook inexpensive cuts of meat in the crock pot. Not only will you save money but your evenings will be more enjoyable by having your dinner almost prepared when you get home.

4. Breakfast for Dinner – Kids love breakfast foods but often we don’t have the time in the morning to make pancakes, waffles, and French toast. So why not treat your kids to Breakfast for Dinner once a week, add some eggs, and fruit. You will end up with a cheap and healthy meal that your kids will love.

5. Eat From the Freezer – It is helpful to keep a list of items that our in your freezer on your refrigerator so you can see and plan meals from things you already have in the freezer. This will help you not waste food that you bought on sale and froze for a later date. It is also helpful to make a double batch of a meal that your family loves and put one in the freezer to have on another night. This will help on those busy nights to have something easy to prepare from the freezer instead of catching the drive-thru or take out.

So, as you can see, these are just five meal planning tips that you can start using this week to help you save money on your food bill.

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