Thursday, February 26, 2009

What Others Have Done, You Can Do

Excerpt from Brian Tracy's book, "The Way to Wealth - The Journey Begins"

Abraham Lincoln once said, "The fact that some succeed greatly is evidence that others may succeed greatly as well."

The Law of Cause and Effect says, "for every effect in your life, there is a specific cause."

If you can identify the effects that you want -- higher sales, higher income, greater profitability, more success, respect and esteem from others, you can then trace back and find out what other successful people who started at the bottom did to achieve those goals. When you do the same things that other successful people do, over and over, you will eventually get the same results.

The Law of Incremental Improvement lies at the root of all great success in life. This law says that every great achievement is an accumulation of hundreds and even thousands of tiny efforts that no one ever sees or appreciates. But the accumulation of these efforts, day after day, week after week, and month after month adds up to an extraordinary career and an extraordinary life.

The poet Henry Wordsworth Longfellow once wrote:

"The heights by great men reached and kept Were not attained by sudden flight.But they while their companions sleptWere toiling upward in the night."

Create financial independence - Learn more about Brian Tracy's Way to Wealth System Today!

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